
This is a product from QuickSKU, LLC where brands and resellers can post product information such as user manuals, configuration software, knowledge base articles and more.

Benefits for brand owners

Secure web site that is easy to update
Generic domain name and specific URL per brand
Easy Markdown format for quick description of brand and products
Easily manage and quickly write FAQ and knowledge base articles
Add high resolution images with automatic scaling
Search feature to quickly find product information using name or multiple bar codes
Technical support links
Software compatibility matrix with links
Modern theme and user experience
Multiple categories of content, including markdown description, feature list, user manuals/downloads and release notes
Web site dynamically generated from product content, no need to know or code HTML to quickly add and update new content

Benefits for resellers

Generate tracking URLs with URL shortener
Generate QR code for tracking URL to be printed and included in product and order boxes
Easy to type URL for consumers to quickly get access to technical information, support and review options
Display "Thank You" message when entered via tracking URL (which can include direct links to support and review options)
Import questions from Amazon and help users by providing moderated answers, fully indexed and searchable
SEO content exposed to search engines to drive direct traffic to products and brands
Controlled Buy button to access reseller's shopping site

Benefits for all

Secure and trusted web site
High performance and cloud-based scaling
Accurate information provided by brands and resellers

Example products

Here are some of the product landing pages that are currently using ProductInfo.IO:
DMXking LeDMX4 main page
Bellt Alert main page
DMXking ultraDMX Micro FAQ and KB articles
Reseller DMX Pro Sales support page
Brand DMXking main page with product search and showcase

Contact us for more information.